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Business in the Oireachtas has adjourned. Dáil Éireann resumes on Wednesday, 18 September 2024 at 2:00 pm

Business in the Oireachtas has adjourned. Dáil Éireann resumes on Wednesday, 18 September 2024 at 2:00 pm

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There are 160 Members (called Deputies or TDs) of Dáil Éireann.

There are 60 Members (called Senators) in Seanad Éireann.

PQ Explorer


PQ Explorer

Parliamentary questions are an intrinsic part of Parliament and each year tens of thousands of questions are asked by Members.

PQ Explorer is a way of visually investigating what Members ask about and as such, it is a showcase of how Oireachtas open data can facilitate rich and diverse interrogation of the work of Parliament.

Oireachtas Green Team

Climate Action

Oireachtas Green Team

The Oireachtas Green Team is committed to promoting behavioural change among the parliamentary community working in our Leinster House campus and beyond.

The Green Team wants to help embed a culture of being responsibly green, with the aim of making our Parliament more sustainable.


Nikki Bradley speaks to the Cathaoirleach aftering signing the roll of Members before taking her seat as a Senator

12 Jul 2024, 12.00

Press releases

23 Jul 2024, 14:00

Comhchoiste na Gaeilge ag iarraidh soiléiriú ón gCoimisinéir Teanga faoi phoist na Stiúrthóirí ar Scoileanna sna Boird Oideachais agus Oiliúna

23 Jul 2024, 09:43

Social Protection Committee calls for core social welfare rates to increase by a minimum of €25 per week in Budget 2025

16 Jul 2024, 12:42

Joint Committee on the Implementation of the Good Friday Agreement publishes report ‘Perspectives on Constitutional Change: Finance and Economics’

11 Jul 2024, 13:26

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Tourism, Culture, Arts, Sport & Media publishes its Report on the Development of Local and Community Arts

10 Jul 2024, 16:05

Committee on Budgetary Oversight to meet for discussion on the Summer Economic Statement

Recently considered Bills and Acts

19 Jul 2024

Before Dáil Éireann

Health Information Bill 2024

No. 61 of 2024

17 Jul 2024


Defence (Amendment) Act 2024

No. 25 of 2024

Defence (Amendment) Bill 2024

No. 29 of 2024

17 Jul 2024


Digital Services (Levy) Act 2024

No. 26 of 2024

Digital Services (Levy) Bill 2024

No. 45 of 2024

15 Jul 2024


Social Welfare (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2024

No. 24 of 2024

Social Welfare (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2024

No. 36 of 2024

Ireland: a parliamentary democracy

Leinster House

Ireland: a parliamentary democracy

Ireland is a parliamentary democracy. The National Parliament (Oireachtas) consists of the President and two Houses: Dáil Éireann (House of Representatives) and Seanad Éireann (the Senate) whose functions and powers derive from the Constitution of Ireland enacted by the people on 1 July 1937. The Houses of the Oireachtas are situated at Leinster House, Dublin.
